In short, is a virtual community...

... of individual people who live, work and play in or near a Bayside anywhere in the world; also establishments that do business in or near a bayside or provide a service within this area.

Celebrate Your Lifestyle

This is a powerful community. We hail from every corner of the earth, people of every culture, creed and every description - a wonderful mix of individuals who all share something in common: the unique lifestyle that comes from living on a bay.

At present has 26086 members in 31060 bays around the world

The aim of is to connect these people and grow the community by showcasing their bays. We promote any commercial enterprise, any service, any product or any event for that matter which is located on or identified with a Bayside... anywhere in the world!

Click here to Register

The History of

The idea and vision of was started many years ago by an enthusiastic baysider who sat with a friend at a window-side table overlooking the bay on a typical glorious day. Sipping on an ice cold drink they mused; what more does one need in life than to enjoy friends and good times against a backdrop of a magnificent bayside view? The two coined the phrase:

The Best things in life happen on a Bayside !

They wanted to share this passion for life with other like-minded people around the world. And so the vision that is now was born. Not only would this community be able to interact with one another, but others around the world could enjoy their experiences too.

The heart and soul of has become its members and contributors. They allow visitors to relish in some of the world's most celebrated locations: Baysides. Why would one not want to share the experience of Bayside Living, and what better place to do it than at a site dedicated to bays and all they encompass?

Click here to read the Baysider Blog

Become a Baysider and the World will Click a Pathway to your Door

If you are passionate about Baysides then this site is for you ... Join our community if you live or do business on a bay, supply services to people who live on a Bay, or just love the idea of Bayside living.

Restaurants, hotels, guesthouses, shopping malls, shops, theatres, sporting event organisers, beach and sea related events, surfing, swimming, sailing, lifesaving clubs (and much, much more) could all derive benefits from ... And let's not forget the visitors sharing their countless experiences!

As this dream was moulded into reality, has started to grow and grow. The vision of a united community of Baysiders from around the world continues to be the driving force behind We welcome you to the community!

Click here to Register

Click here to read the Baysider Blog

The Best things in life happen on a Bayside!