7 Reason to invest on Engagement marketing

Mon, Dec 29th 2014, 08:21

The concept of engagement marketing is not new. It has continued for decades and is still in the limelight and there is a reason behind.

The concept of engagement marketing is not new. It has continued for decades and is still in the limelight and there is a reason behind. It is not easy for anything to last this long and if it is, then there is no doubt it is not obsolete or not working. A tree is healthy as long as it keeps bearing fruits. Similarly, engagement marketing is a kind of tree that has not stopped growing flowers and fruits that are also getting sweeter by each passing day. With the introduction of various innovative techniques and ideas, this marketing technique is being highly preferred in comparison to the heftily priced TV and digital media advertisements.

So, if you have entered a new market and are confused about which kind of marketing to choose, go for the following points to know why engagement marketing is what you should opt for:

Engagement of all the senses – That’s right! With this promotional medium, you are able to communicate through every possible sense of a human body with your consumers. This might not seem very obvious, but as a matter of fact, is. For instance, in a commercial ad that comes on a television, you are only seeing what the ad has to show and hear what the people in it are saying. Now compare that same product with a live demonstration. Here, you will be able to see, hear, as well as touch, smell, and taste the product without any limitation. In Other words, you have a better experience of the product that was promoted through engagement advertisement.

Creates memories – Imagine your favorite movie star of pop icon signing a product that was demonstrated through experiential promotion, or getting a snap with the popstar while you are involved in an experiential marketing campaign. This is a kind of media that believes on creating memories that remains etched in the mind of the customers forever.

Generation of feedback – No other advertisement allows people the opportunity to give their feedbacks except this. Customers find it really appreciating when a brand asks for a feedback showing their concern and care for the people that are using their products.

Changes perception – Seeing on a TV screen and actually viewing it live are an experience that can create an utter change of perception. In the latter case, the experience is much more real and understandable.

More “word of mouth” promotion – If the promotional campaign is successful, there might not be much need to go for further displays and shows for an effective promotion will be automatically made with “word of mouth”. When people like something, they love to talk about it.

Consumers love this approach – Consumers really find this interesting and love to get involved in these marketing activities.

Improves sales – With all the reception and promotion, there is not doubt the sales are going to get a huge boost.

Get the best brand experience agency that can design effective ads and promotional campaigns for your brand. You can search online to find more possible options.

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