Valentines Day, 14 February

Wed, Feb 13th 2008, 00:00

Valentines Day: Love it or hate it, tomorrow is the day that lovers all over the world will be exchanging expressions of affection.

Since the advent of printing, Valentine’s Day has become an increasingly popular commercial celebration. These days over 1 billion Valentines cards will be sent world wide – this is the second largest card sending occasion on the modern western calendar.

14 February is the official saints day of St. Valentine in the traditions of the Catholic Church. Unfortunately, not much information is known about this saint and the celebration is not widely followed in church circles. There were three martyrs in ancient Rome called Valentine.

The most popular story about St. Valentine in ancient Rome took place during the rule of Emperor Claudius II of Rome, also known as Claudius the Cruel. Rome was at war and Claudius needed new recruits for his army. He passed a ruling banning young men from getting married so that they would be more willing to become soldiers.

Valentine was a priest who felt sympathy for the young lovers kept apart because of Claudius. He defied the law and married the young couples in secret. When this was discovered, Valentine was sentenced to death. On death row, Valentine sent a note to a lady friend of his to offer reassurance. The note was titled “From your Valentine …”

The British Museum in London is home to one of the oldest known valentines messages in existence. It was a poem written by the Duke of Orleans to his wife while he was imprisoned in the Tower of London following his capture at the Battle of Agincourt.

In the 18th Century, it became a popular tradition for lovers and admirers to exchange love tokens and handwritten notes on Valentine’s Day. Advances in printing techniques gave us ready-made cards … billions of which will be gracing post boxes around the world tomorrow!

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