Alexandria Golf Club

Alexandria Golf Club in , , | 4X4 Excursions

Welcome Alexandria Golf Club, Alexandria, United States. We appreciate your interest in the Alexandria Golf Club and look forward to seeing you at our facillity.

In early August, 1915, the Articles of Incorporation of the Alexandria Golf Club were signed with the following described purpose: "The conducting of Club or Society for the purpose of social enjoyment, mental and physical culture, and the renting, leasing, building or otherwise acquiring and owning a Club House and appropriate grounds on connection therewith - and the operation of the same, and doing and performing any and all acts which may be necessary to the full and perfect enjoyment and carrying out of the purpose aforesaid." These articles were signed by Huge E. Leach, President; John C. Blake, Vice President, and Tollef Jacobson, Secretary-Treasurer.

Golf soon became as popular as fishing with enthusiastic local and summer residents. Early in 1916 the property now used as the second nine was purchased from A.A. Secord and J.W. Knox who had acquired it as a farm. Work began immediately on the development of the first nine holes. A small starting building was built approximately where No. 14 tee is now located just a few yards north of the present No. 15 green.

In spite of a world war, work progressed and by 1921 the course was in good enough shape to hold the first Resorter's Tournament. Thanks to Dr. Leon Boyd and Dick Brophy, the chamber of commerce secretary, the tournament was a great success and it became an annual event.

The condition of the present facilities testifies to the good management of the officers over the past 75 years. Needless to say, they have made many sacrifices to create the results, but many other members have contributed valuable assistance as well.

The continued popularity of golf will assure the continued success of the AGC. This, coupled with the same high standards of leadership which has prevailed to date, will guarantee future success. This resultant inheritance should be a challenge and incentive to those who assume the leadership for the club's 100th anniversary in the year 2015. Until then.. "

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Location Info


P.O. Box 206, Alexandria, MN

(320) 762-1093
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4X4 Excursions

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