A warm welcome to Blue Heron Park, Sidney, Canada. In 1921, a 12-acre North Saanich War Memorial Park was established in Sidney by a Memorial Park Society (MPS) in dedication to the local men lost in the First World War.
Portions of the property were expropriated for roadway construction, including the Pat Bay Highway in 1961 and the Bevan Avenue Diversion in 1983. The latter resulted in the Town of Sidney compensating the Memorial Park Society $500,000 for the purchase of "substitute premises".
In 1986, 41.1 acres of land beside Parkland School and McDonald Park was purchased with these monies by the Memorial Park Society. The acreage was dedicated to community, cultural, athletic and recreational uses, and named Blue Heron Park the following year. With additional funding from the Province of B.C., School District #63, and "Track 86", the Memorial Park Society pulled together more than $600,000 for developing the land.
The non-profit Memorial Park Society and dedicated volunteers continue to manage the facilities at Blue Heron Park for the community. The wonderful outdoor community sports facility features: * a running track
* rugby, slow pitch and all weather soccer fields with professional lighting * a forested trail system, and
* Parking lots and other infrastructure such as picnic tables, water and washrooms.
In 2007, through partnership and fundraising efforts with the Peninsula Soccer Association, a major field upgrade project was completed. The 2 soccer fields now feature drainage irrigation and the latest turf technology providing the best grass fields in the region. Community, provincial, national and international teams come to tournaments at this first-class sports facility.
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