Welcome to the Cabarfeidh Hotel, Stornoway, Scotland. Rightly known as 'Stornoway's finest Hotel' - the Cabarfeidh Hotel (pronounced cab-ar-fay) is a luxurious, three star Hotel, where you can relax in comfort - whether you're visiting us on holiday, for business, for functions, or to enjoy dining in our Manor Restaurant.
What matters so much more than bricks and mortar, though, is the warmth of the welcome you'll receive - for the Hebrides has a great tradition of hospitality.
The Cabarfeidh Hotel has been the subject of several complete refurbishments, since being built in the 1970s.
During the winter of 2005 and spring of 2007, we have completed a large part of the latest refit, which has provided extremely pleasant, comfortable bedrooms, of the standard you would expect of an international four star Hotel.
Our decor is tasteful and warm - just like the welcome.
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