A piece of New Zealand History. The Camphouse situated almost 1000 metres up Mount Taranaki / Mount Egmont above New Plymouth, is the highest commercial accommodation on Mount Taranaki / Mount Egmont which is an ideal location for people seeking quiet surroundings and stunning views of the North Taranaki coast and Central North Island. It also offers historic atmosphere and access to the beautiful forests and high altitude scenery of Egmont National Park overlooking New Plymouth.
The Camphouse is the oldest surviving building in any New Zealand national park and is registered Category 1 with the Historic Places Trust.
Short Walks (not to be missed!) from The Camphouse include:
* Connett Walk - Beautiful kamahi forest dripping with mosses and lichens.
* Ngatoro Walk - Look for the red peeling bark of kaikawaka and totara.
* Veronica Walk - Choose a quiet evening and listen carefully for kiwi in this area. There are also great views from the nearby Trig Point.
* Nature Walk - an ideal walk to fill in 10 minutes and get a quick look at North Egmont rainforests.
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