Welcome to Cornish Prana, Yoga, St. Agnes, United Kingdom. Cornish Prana - Vital energy force, essence of life permeating the whole of creation, both the macro cosmos and micro cosmos.
Cornish Prana holds a friendly and energetic Yoga class held every Thursday evening in the St. Agnes surf club from 6.30-8.00pm. Discounted price for surf club members.Yoga offers strength, flexibility, balance and peace of mind
Yoga is exercise for the body and mind. During a class, asanas (postures or poses) are practiced. Theses postures have evolved over thousands of years, practiced mainly in the East to exercise every muscle, nerve and gland in the human body. Through regular practice, an improvement in strength and flexibility will quickly be noticed. In this class, these asanas are taught are taught in a flowing and dynamic way which allows one pose to educate the next as well as creating a class that leaves you feeling that you have had a really good work out!
These poses bring balance to the body and also the mind. After a class there is a feeling of being more attuned to the natural follow of life and of peace of mind. Unlike other styles of Yoga, the concept of prana, the vital energy force of all creation, linked with the human soul and respiration is taught. Students are encouraged to keep an awareness on their breath and basic pranayama (breathing exercises) are taught.
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