Gallery Piselli Balzano

Gallery Piselli Balzano in Firenze, Florence, Italy | Antiques

Welcome to Gallery Piselli Balzano, Firenze, Italy. Gallery Piselli Balzano, dates back to 1967, when Mirella Piselli established the Mirella Piselli Gallery, devoted to arts and Antiques.

The attention given to ancient textiles, made the Gallery Piselli Balzano one of the few European art dealers specialised in this field. Due to their professionalism and to their constant research of textiles and embroideries in excellent state of conservation, many textiles of the private collection
are nowadays displayed in important Italian and European museums such as the "Museo del Bargello" of Piselli Balzano Firenze or the "Abegg Stiftung" foundation, which holds one of the most important world collection of ancient textiles.

The ancient textiles are still nowadays the main interest of Paolo Balzano, who succeeded his mother  continuing the activity with the same professionalism and passion.

Gallery Piselli Balzano,also offers Paintings, Furniture, and other Works of Art.

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Via Maggio 23/r 50 125 Firenze
055 2398029
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