Holiday Inn Resort

Holiday Inn Resort in Pensacola Beach, Escambia County, United States | Fitness | Resort | Beach Resort

Holiday Inn Resort in Pensacola Beach, Florida, has an ideal beachfront location with amazing views of the emerald waters of the Gulf of Mexico as well as miles upon miles of sandy white beaches. Beach Resorts are perfect for great vacations, and at Holiday Inn Resort, we are within walking distance of restaurants, evening entertainment and numerous outdoor activities such as charter fishing, kayaking, biking, to mention just a few. Our beachfront rooms all have a private balcony and stunning views, and the rooms known as the 'sound side' rooms, have views of Santa Rosa Sound and other attractions. We have a beachfront Fitness room where guests can maintain their Fitness regimes, and for children we offer a supervised activity program. Beach Resorts have much to offer their guests, and at Holiday Inn Resort, each day spent with us seems like a day in paradise.

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Location Info


14 Via DeLuna Drive
Pensacola Beach
United States
Visit Site
Beach Resort
Sandy Beaches
Azure Waters
Exhilarating Workouts
Family Fun
Private Balconies
Regional Attractions
Family Suites