The aim of ICNA is to give pilots, their families and friends the opportunity of a life time
1100m above take-off with the Vulture.
Accompanying you will be a fully certified PG Instructor (Grigoris), who has full knowledge and experience of the Cretan mountains and terrain.Your companion is multilingual, and likes to meet and fly with international PG pilots; he will show you and help you fly over the best flying sites in all areas of Crete, either soaring, thermals or XC. We will use some of the most beautiful accessible and less accessible flying spots on the island in order to increase your confidence, your airtime and your thermaling skills or simply just to have another nice flying day. We will fly with the Griffon vultures in the blue sky with unsurpassed sea-views! (Suitable for both experienced and low air-time PG pilots). We follow a flexible daily programm that guarantees flying and serious fun, and we will also have the chance to meet other PG pilots, local people and to exchange experiences and ideas. Friendship and companionship is the philosophy behind ICNA. It is not just based on commercial considerations! Discover Crete with its magnificent sandy beaches, its rugged mountains, and the primitive and quiet life of its country villages! You will experience a brilliant holiday in the air, along with other outdoor activities involving the natural environment. When the sun sets and the thermal activity is over you can set your altimeter to new upper limits, to the pulse of the Greek life. On the days that your family/friends don't wish to accompany you they will have a lovely comfortable holiday, sun bathing and swimming, in the relaxed atmosphere of the accommodation in the province of Iraklion.
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