Makani Kai Helicopters

Makani Kai Helicopters in Honolulu, Honolulu, United States | Tours and Safaris


Makani Kai Helicopters, based on the grand Hawaiian isle of Oahu at the Honolulu International Airport (HON), would like to welcome you to our website! We have been hard at work developing the resources for this hypermedia experience for all you web-surfers. So we hope you enjoy your visit with us. Now let us give you some more information about our island.....

The favorite of Kamaainas (residents) and Malihini (Visitors) alike, Oahu "The Gathering Place" is the most surprising of all the Hawaiian Islands. Our island of Oahu offers a combination of beauty and history that can be found nowhere else on earth. After all Hawaii has every major geographical feature except a polor cap for one to explore and learn about.

From ground level you get the false impression that Oahu is all concrete and clouds, but it is not! From the air, Oahu opens up like a beautiful picture book with stunning ocean vistas in every shade of blue contrasted with lush, emerald green valleys, mountains, and miles of beautiful white sand beaches.

Even those dreaded signs of development become warm and friendly when viewed from above and especially at night when Oahu glimmers like a jewel in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. Relive a piece of our history as you float over Pearl Harbor, the Arizona Memorial, the USS Missouri, and Punchbowl: The National Cemetary of the Pacific. It will forever be etched in your mind and heart.

Richard Schuman, Oahu born and raised, is President and Owner Operator of Makani Kai Helicopters, wants to invite you to see "The Hidden Faces of Paradise" in a way you will never forget. Come share the ALOHA SPIRIT with us!

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Location Info


110 Kapalulu Place
United States
(877) 255-8532
Visit Site
Tours and Safaris

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