Motorsailer PEXINO VII

Motorsailer PEXINO VII in Trieste, Trieste, Italy | Motorsports

The cherished clinkerboat Motorsailer PEXINO VII is the result of the skilful transformation of an original Ligurian fishing boat.

This craft Motorsailer PEXINO VII in Trieste is the result of technical skill and refined taste for quality materials and attention to the smallest details in the shipyards of Moltedo di S. Margherita Ligure.

In fact, the new floating lounge in Trieste (Italy) is named after this town with its ancient seafaring traditions, which was originally called Pexino. The Motorsailer PEXINO VII offers technology and comfort that make your stay on board safe, relaxing and pleasant :

* sizes; 17 m x 4.20 m
* approved fro 36 persons
* 2 Perkins 120 HP – TD motors
* Radar and automatic pilot
* Echo-sounding gear
* Range:507 nautical miles
* 3 double cabins
* Furnished kitchen in separate room
* 1,500-litre water tank
* Hot water system
* 2 bathrooms
* step-ladder for swimming purposes

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via Diaz, 15
Friuli-Venezia Giulia
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