Welcome to Drylands Permaculture Nursery, Geraldton, Australia . Permaculture Nursery is located on the mid-west coast of Western Australia,in Geraldton, we propagate for sale local endemic native and multiple-use 'permaculture' plants. We also produce for local sale 'Garden Honey' and run a not-for-profit heirloom vegetable seed business. These enterprises fund our research farm and education centre which demonstrate applied drylands' Permaculture design.
As an Accreditted Permaculture Training venue and WWOOF host we offer unique educational experiences and expertise for people similarly motivated to create ecologically sustainable societies and economies.
Established in 1986, The Drylands Permaculture Nursery and Research Farm (trading as Yilgarn Traders) has been the passion of Permaculture Designer Julie Firth, friends and many voluntary workers. We have shared a common vision to demonstrate ecologically sustainable human cultures using Permaculture design principles and ethics, originally developed by Bill Mollison and David Holmgren, in the mid-1970's.
Our hard work and refined application of Permaculture design in a semi-arid Mediterranean climate with low rainfall, poor soils, high summer temperatures and strong winds has transformed a once degraded semi-rural property into a productive, thriving abode of people, plants & animals.
To help us an informal community of friends, travellers and neighbours has developed over the years, each leaving their impression and taking with them inspired memories and valuable knowledge. While there are too many to mention, today those most active include Ken, Cookie, Jane, Josslyn, and Johnny. Sharing our lives are Naked-neck chickens, the ducks, geese, honey bees, earthworms, Mr Cat, and hand-reared Emus - Punky, Sweetie & Bald Spot.
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