Raindance Spa

Raindance Spa in Sonoma, Sonoma County, United States | Health and Fitness | Health Care | Salon | Skin Care | Spa | Wellness | Massage | Health and Beauty | Sauna

Raindance Spa, Sonoma, California, United States

Nestled in the Valley of the Moon in California, in the beautiful Sonoma wine region, Raindance Spa offers guests the utmost in relaxation, reflection, revitalization and romance.

Our Health and Beauty indulgences are complimented by products and services from the local area including lavender grape seed, olive oil, and mustard. Raindance Spa prides itself in serving both the guest in search of a pleasurable day of pampering, as well as those in need of specific therapy and treatment.

Individuals and couples are celebrated at The Raindance Spa as charm and romance permeate tranquil surroundings. Our signature room the Raindance Suite, offers the ultimate in combination therapies and is further enhanced with our private fireplace, monsoon shower, and couples? hydrotherapy tub.

Our guests are invited to lose themselves in the Raindance Suite for hours at a time, experiencing the unique arrangement of therapies, returning to reality enriched and revitalized.

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Location Info


1325 Broadway (at Napa and Leveroni Roads),Sonoma, CA, California, United States
United States
Visit Site
Health and Fitness
Health Care
Skin Care
Health and Beauty
Raindance Suite
Lavender Grape Seed
Olive Oil Products
Mustard Products
Private Fireplace
Monsoon Shower
Couples? Hydrotherapy Tub