Shohei Juku Aikido Canada was established to promote the art of Aikido as practiced by Morito Suganuma Sensei (Aikikai 8th dan). Shohei Juku Aikido Canada represents the Canadian branch of Suganuma Sensei's organization which is based in Fukuoka, Japan. In addition to offering Aikido classes to all levels of interested students, the main dojo hosts a yearly seminar with Suganuma Sensei in Vancouver.
Shohei Juku Aikido Gibsons,operates under the leadership of April and Russ Qureshi with the guidance of Tama Nakashimada Sensei. Grounded in the basics with a joyful and intense training atmosphere the Gibsons dojo provides a non judgmental and safe environment in which to walk a martial path of self realization.
Russ and April Qureshi began their aikido training with Tama Nakashimada Sensei in 1993. During their training they have been responsible for childrens classes, adult classes and have achieved the rank of nidan (2nd degree black belt). They continue to supplement their training with regular visits to the Vancouver dojo and attendance at the bi-annual seminars held there. Russ and April welcome anyone interested in aikido to train with them.
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