Welcome to the Ullapool Medical Practice, Ullapool, Scotland. The Reception Desk at the Ullapool Medical Practice, Health Centre is open between 9am and 6pm Monday to Friday. You are welcome to come in person to speak to a member of staff between these hours. Telephone calls can be made to the receptionists between 8am and 6pm, with the exception of requests for repeat prescriptions, which should be made between 12 noon and 3pm.
When the office is closed (for example during staff training sessions, or outwith normal hours), the telephone is switched through to NHS24, whose staff will answer your calls.
There are automatic front doors but if you are disabled and feel that you may require assistance to open the door at the main entrance, please let us know that you are coming and a member of staff will be available to help you.
If you have hearing impairment, there is a portable induction loop situated at the reception desk - you can alter your hearing aid to the correct setting for this. The loop can be taken into the consultation with you.
If you have visual impairment, you can ask for your letters to be sent in large print.
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