Welcome to the Warrnambool River Cruises in Warrnambool Bay, Victoria, Australia. The Warrnambool River Cruises was established in 1998 and has been successfully operating on the Hopkins River. It is in close operation with Glenelg River Cruises operating from Nelson on the Glenelg River.
The vessel the Spirit of Warrnambool was purposed built in Queensland for the Hopkins River and has a current capacity of 60 passengers. The boat is all weather and has both a male and female toilet and is wheelchair accessible.
The services provided by this company cater for all occasions, day and night. Please wander through this site and you will find a reason and occasion to use the Spirit of Warrnambool. Be sure to check out the virtual tours.
Warrnambool River Cruises operates from a floating jetty. Because the Hopkins River is subject to minor flood conditions this facility provides access all year round to passengers. The jetty is also easily accessible by wheelchairs.
We look forward to having you aboard the Warrnambool River Cruises, Warrnambool Bay, Victoria, Australia.
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