Kelowna Inn
Inn in Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada
Siesta Inn
When you stay at the Siesta Inn, Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada, you will be able to visit world-class wineries, many golf courses, watersports, hiking and biking trails, skiing, horseback riding, canneries, beer houses, orchard tours, day spas and so much more. The area has so much to offer that you will leave with a list of things to do next time because you didn't have time to do them during this visit.
Kelowna Inn
The area of Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada is considered a four season playground with activities for everyone. When you stay at the Kelowna Inn you can visit world-class wineries, golf courses, watersports, hiking and biking trails, skiing, horseback riding, art galleries, beer houses, orchard tours, day spas and so much more.
Dilworth Inn
Stay in a deluxe room at the Dilworth Inn, Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada and enjoy a 4 hour guided tour of some of the best local wineries. Learn about wine in a fun, relaxed atmosphere. Examine Cellar techniques and see how grapes become red, white and ice wine!
Vineyard Inn
The Vineyard Inn is conveniently located at Highway 33 and Highway 97 and within minutes to Costco, Orchard Park Mall, the Kelowna International Airport, Joey Tomatoes Restaurant and Scandia Golf and Games. Visitors to the Vineyard Inn, Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada are amazed at the range of golf challenges available in Kelowna and its surrounding areas. The golf packages can accommodate any ability and budget.
Recreation Inn
The spacious rooms, outdoor facilities and affordable rates at the Recreation Inn, Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada appeal to groups of all kinds, from family reunions to sports teams, golf groups to wedding parties.