Churchlands School of Cooking

School of Cooking in Churchlands, Western Australia, Australia

  • The Cooking Professor

    The Cooking Professor in Churchlands, is where budding chefs really learn to cook. Our hands-on cooking classes are designed to be fun and entertaining. The Cooking Professor believes in keeping classes to a minimum of 12 students at one time as this allows the tutor to spend time with each student. This is a great way of meeting new people and learning to cook in a relaxed atmosphere, always under the watchful eye of the tutor. Students work in pairs, and have to cook one of the 5 to 6 dishes which are on the menu each day. At the end of each lesson, everyone sits down in the beautiful dining room to enjoy the meals that have been prepared. It also gives students an ideal opportunity to interact with one another, and swop their thoughts on the meals presented. One of the more popular cooking classes at The Cooking Professor is the preparation of Spanish food, especially from the Northern Spain. Spain is known for its fantastic food, and in this class, you will be preparing, as well as eating, Marmita (Tuna and saffron stew), Calamares en su tinta (Squid braised in white wine and ink) and Arroz con almejas (Rice with clams).

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