Tamuning Clinic
Clinic in Tamuning, Guam, Guam
Baik Acupuncture Clinic
Baik Acupuncture Clinic in Tamuning, Guam, is a reputable clinic offering acupuncture treatments that are ideally suited for any number of diseases, illnesses and ailments. Acupuncture practiced at our clinic is a non-invasive method of healing that is safe, usually not painful and performed by a highly skilled acupuncturist. We use only pre-sterilized, disposable and non-toxic stainless steel needles for all procedures. Other therapies available at Baik Acupuncture Clinic include cupping, a traditional Chinese therapy that creates suction on the skin and is ideal for many conditions. We also offer moxibustion a therapy using the smoke of burning dried mugwort that stimulates circulation and treats many other ailments.