Mahe Massage

Massage in Mahe, Mahe, Seychelles

  • Maia Spa

    Maia Spa in Mahe, Sechelles, has three open-air spa areas which are separated by natural rock formations, and each area is graced with its own garden, changing rooms and showers. The peace and quiet is sublime, and the only thing that you will hear is the soothing sounds of water trickling down the moss-covered granite rocks, and the chirping of birds. Maia Spa is more than just a spa, it is a oasis of rediscovery and a renewing of the mind, and our highly trained therapists provide not only therapy and beauty treatments, but will also help you with yoga, self-Shiatsu and QiGong sessions. There are an extensive range of treatments available at our Balinese-style spa, such as a Maia Signature Massage, or a 'Twenty Dancing Fingers' massage, a traditional art applied by two therapists who use thumb pressure and deep presses along the meridians that will release energy and improve circulation. You may have entered our spa feeling tired and jaded, but after a treatment you will feel uplifted and leave our spa with a spring in your step.

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