Bridgton Optometrist
Optometrist in Bridgton, Maine, United States
Bridgton Eye Care
Bridgton Eye Care in Bridgton, Maine, USA helps you maintain one of your most valuable assets, your vision, and they have affordable rates and flexible payment plans for individuals without insurance. They improve and care for the vision of all Lake Region residents, and offer general eye care service to people of all ages, plus provide referrals for more complex vision problems. Bridgton Eye Care offers frame repair even if you didn't purchase from them, and also carry sunglasses that provide good UV protection, they have a variety of different lenses for your glasses including single vision, reading, bifocal, trifocal, progressive, no prescription lenses, sunglasses and computer lenses. They also do contact lenses with daily weekly and monthly disposables available, color lenses, bifocal and tonic lenses and rigid gas permeables, when it comes to eye care they have your covered.