Coconut Creek Bakery
Bakery in Coconut Creek, Florida, United States
Batter Co.
Batter Co. in Coconut Creek, Florida, USA has an exquisite dessert selection for all tastes, and choices include petite & classic sized cupcakes, cake-in-a jar, French Macarons, gelato, sorbet, frozen yogurt, and custard. Come relax and indulge your sweet tooth, and enjoy your treat with a gourmet espresso and coffee, all desserts are hand made, plus they offer a wonderful range for wholesale including tier wedding cakes that come in fondant, buttercram and naked. Batter Co. have a stunning wedding cake collection, as well as a beautiful vintage photo booth for hire so you can make lasting memories with your guests, complete with tuxedo or black dress attendant, and it's an instant social media sharing kiosk. Come visit and see what makes them superior, they pride themselves on excellence in taste using only the finest ingredients and cater to corporates too, they even have a vintage trailer for events to charm guests.