Saint-Simeon Food

Food in Saint-Simeon, Quebec, Canada

  • Ferme and Erabliere Le Boise

    Ferme and Erabliere Le Boise is a sugar shack located in Saint-Simeon, Quebec, Canada and in Spring they collect the sap from the forest of 3000 sugar maple compounds located in an area of 14 hectares. The sap has a unique taste delightful to the palate and the sugar shack has a shop on site, they also sell their wares at the main market of Charlevoix and host events and activities throughout the year with brunch, come enjoy a wonderful visit. Ferme and Erabliere Le Boise offer exquisite maple products including maple syrup in a jar, granulated maple in a bag, compote potato maple, blueberry maple confit, gelee maple, butter maple and much more, come stock up on all your favourite maple goods.

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