Fawley Rock Climbing
Rock Climbing in Fawley, England, United Kingdom
Calshot Activities Centre
Calshot Activities Centre is one of the largest Outdoor Adventure Centres in Britain offering an unrivalled number of exciting water and landbased activities. Partake in popular watersports like, windsurfing, canoeing, sailing and powerboating on the Solent, or enjoy a state of the art climbing complex for rock climbing. A dry Ski Slope, covered in snowflex is available for snow sports, and all slopes have lifts, are floodlit and are inside the massive Sunderland Hangar .
Calshot Rockclimibing
Calshot Rockclimibing offers taster lessons to the novice, and run a variety of courses through to independent climber. With over 1200 sq metres of climbing and over 80 rope lines, climbers can enjoy a challenging and wide range of routes. Master massive overhangs and roofs or why not venture outdoors via the ?Real Rock? programme.