Wadebridge Sea Kayaking
Sea Kayaking in Wadebridge, England, United Kingdom
Manor House School Group Activities
Manor House School Group Activities offers quality safe, activity or field study trip with a tailored program at their location in Wadebridge. Schools courses at The Manor House are tailored to exactly meet each group?s individual requirements, be it Lifeguard Skills, Surfing, Kayaking, Navigation Skills, Beach Study, Tourism Studies or various other options, we cater for all at our Wadebrige Manor House.
Manor House Summer Camps
The Manor House offers a Manor House Summer Camps full evening program of activities which includes beach games, crab fishing, toasting marshmallows, and problem solving games around Wadebridge. Manor House Summer Camps groups visit some of the best outdoor activity venues in the whole of Cornwall and activities take place in a variety of fantastic local areas around Wadebridge.
Manor House Sea Kayaking Courses
Manor House Sea Kayaking Courses offered at the Manor House in Wadebridge has a number of different Sea Kayaks from beginner style boats that will help you feel confident in your new surroundings, to the more advanced composite style boats for seasoned paddlers. Manor House Sea Kayaking Courses also provide the equipment, support and training for day long and overnight EXPEDITIONS in a number of locations around Wadebridge.