Uyak Bay Bear Camps

Bear Camps in Uyak Bay, Alaska, United States

  • Munsey's Bear Camp Bear Viewing Tours

    Munsey's Bear Camp Bear Viewing tours at Uyak Bay on Kodiak Island, Alaska are an amazing experience of being where the bears are, no bear viewing tourist platforms here. Informative guides lead you safely to where the bears feed on salmon with their unique fishing styles, best to be viewed during July, August, and September. Small groups of no more than six are taken on these adventure tours in the Kodiak Archipelago where a large concentration of Kodiak bears live, and conditions are perfect for photographs and videos, it's a breathtaking experience being so up close and personal with these magnificent animals and after the life changing bear viewing experience return to the lodge for a wonderful home cooked meal by the chef and a comfortable stay, ready for more bear viewing the next day or maybe some halibut or salmon fishing.

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