Results for "Pacific City"

Found 12373 results. Showing results 291 to 300 of 12373.

  • Kuwait City

    World Directory, Middle East, Kuwait, Kuwait City, Kuwait City

    Kuwait City is the capital and largest city of Kuwait.

  • Novorossiysk

    World Directory, Asia, Russia, Krasnodar Krai, Krasnodar Krai

    Novorossiysk is a city in southern Russia, the main Russian port on the Black Sea, in Krasnodar Krai. It is one of the few cities honoured with the Soviet title of the Hero City.

  • Manila

    World Directory, Asia, Philippines, National Capital, Manila Bay

    Modern Manila is a teeming metropolis, with huge tower blocks crowding the few examples of colonial architecture that survived the bombing of the city during WWII. Many people use it only as a base for further travel, but the more adventurous will discover its friendliness and charm.

  • Harare

    World Directory, Africa, Zimbabwe, Harare, Harare

    The capital city of Zimbabwe, Harare, is a beautiful, light-filled, open city; high on the country's central plateaux. It is a city of modern buildings, wide thoroughfares, numerous parks and gardens. A city whose streets are lined with flowering trees and a wonderful and invigorating climate.

  • Nicosia

    World Directory, Europe, Cyprus, Nicosia, Nicosia District

    Nicosia is the capital of Cyprus, a status it has enjoyed for 1000 years since the 10th century, though its beginnings date back 5000 years to the Bronze Age. It lies roughly in the centre of the island in the Mesaoria Plain, flanked by the beautiful northern range of Kyrenia mountains with its distinctive 'Pentadaktylos" - the five finger mountain. There are various suggestions as to the origin of the name Nicosia - or 'Lefkosia' In Greek - but the most likely one is linked to the popular tree, the tall 'Lefki ' which once adorned the city.

  • Bergen

    World Directory, Europe, Norway, Midhordland, Hordaland

    Bergen is the second largest city in Norway, with a population of 252 051 as of January 1st, 2009.[3] Bergen is the administrative centre of Hordaland county.

  • Faro

    World Directory, Europe, Portugal, Algarve, Faro

    Faro is a city and municipality in southern Portugal. The city proper has 41,934 inhabitants and the entire municipality has 58,305. It is the seat of the district of Faro and capital of the Algarve region. The Algarve and Faro district cover the same territory.

  • Stavanger

    World Directory, Europe, Norway, Haugaland, Rogaland

    Stavanger is a city and municipality in the county of Rogaland, Norway. Stavanger was established as a municipality 1 January 1838. The rural municipalities of Hetland and Madla merged with Stavanger 1 January 1965.

  • Matosinhos

    World Directory, Europe, Portugal, Norte, Grande Porto

    Matosinhos is a Portuguese city and municipality. It is bordered to the south by the city of Porto and lies within the Greater Porto subregion.

  • Pescara

    World Directory, Europe, Italy, Abruzzo, Pescara

    Pescara is the capital city of the Province of Pescara, in the Abruzzo region of Italy. As of January 1, 2007 it was the most populated city within Abruzzo at 123,059 residents.