
Styra is a town on the southwestern shore of Euboea, facing the eastern shore of Attica across the Evoikos Gulf. Nowadays it can be reached by ferryboat from the tiny harbor of Aghia Marina, as well as by road from Halkida (ancient Chalkis). Above the port there is a hill where the church of Saints Kostantine and Helen is situated with a breath-taking panoramic view of the coast and Stouronisi (Styra Island). Styra is a very popular destination for Athenians during the summer period. After the collapse of the Iron Curtain, Albanians migrated into the area.

25 °C

Clouds, scattered clouds

Wind1.99 m/s
Cloudiness40 %
Temperature (min/max)24/26 °C
Pressure1017 hpa
Humidity48 %
Last update: 23 Sep 2024 @ 09:21

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