
Balatonalmadi, a town of 8,500 inhabitants, is a popular resort town near the northeast corner of Lake Balaton, in Hungary.

The town developed from four, previously separated villages, which were united by combining Balatonalmadi and Kaptalanfured in 1952, and Balatonalmadi and Vorosbereny in 1971. At its beginnings, the settlement was called Almadi, and later Almadi-puszta, and belonged to the vineyard located on the current city centre. The vineyards were destroyed in the end of the 1800s by phylloxera.


13 °C

Clear, clear sky

Wind1.41 m/s
Cloudiness0 %
Temperature (min/max)13/13 °C
Pressure1021 hpa
Humidity83 %
Last update: 22 Sep 2024 @ 06:37

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