Sarzana has one of the most important glass-bottle factories in Italy. There are also brick-works and a fuel factory.
The position of Sarzana at the entrance to the valley of the Magra (ancient Macra), the boundary between Etruria and Liguria in Roman times, gave it military importance in the Middle Ages. The first mention of the city is found in 983 in a diplom of Otto I: in 1202 the episcopal see was transferred from the ancient Luni, 5 km southeast, to Sarzana.
Sarzana, owing to its position, changed masters more than once, belonging first to Pisa, then to Florence, then to the Banco di S. Giorgio of Genoa and from 1572 to Genoa itself.
The city is situated in the heart of Lunigiana, religious heiress of the ancient Roman city of Luni from the XIII century.
Sarzana has ancient origins, first mentioned in the X century. It was dominated by different Lords and cities: Castruccio Castracani, Spinetta Malaspina, Pisa, the Visconti, Genoa and Florence. The city preserves two castles, the Firmafede fortress, built by the Pisans and the Sarzanello fortress, ancient bishops residence. Today the XVI century walled suburb is almost intact with the ancient walls and four towers.