
Burgsvik is located in its northern half. Burgsvik ['buschvick] is a village in Gotland Municipality, Sweden. It has a population of 347 (2005).

Burgsvik lies in the southern part of the island of Gotland. The Burgsvik beds are a geological sequence found there.

Hoburgen is on the southern tip of the island of Gotland and is also one of Gotland's rauk areas. A Rauk (or Raukar in plural) is the local name of the coastal limestone stacks which are the remnants of ancient coral reefs from millions of years ago.

Hoburgsgubben (the Hoburg man) is a famous rock that resembles a human face from one angle.

If you plan to visit follow the beautiful coastal route (kustvag) to get there, which is 5 kilometres after Bottarve. All over Gotland the scenery is often quite spectacular, especially at sunset.



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