
Diyarbakir is located on the banks of the Tigris river and is one of the largest cities in Southeastern Turkey with the old city and new city available for exploring. The old city with it's bazaars, shopping opportunities, mosques and churches is surrounded by ancient walls of black basalt, and are noted for being the second largest city walls in the world after the Great wall of China. Diyarbakir is well known for its rich lamb dishes with spices prepared in various forms as well as its watermelons, and there are a numbers of bars, cafes, restaurants and hotels to stay in.

16 °C

Clear, clear sky

Wind2.06 m/s
Cloudiness0 %
Temperature (min/max)16/16 °C
Pressure1014 hpa
Humidity63 %
Last update: 25 Sep 2024 @ 04:41

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