
The Westray Webcam is situated North of the Orkney Mainland on the island of Westray. Kindly located on the premises of Westray Processors, the webcam looks out over the Gill Pier, so you can watch the local fishing boats and yachts coming and going. Westray is one of the Orkney Islands in Scotland, with a population of around 550 people. Its main village is Pierowall, with a heritage centre, the ruined Lady Kirk and ferries to Papa Westray. With an area of eighteen square miles, it is the sixth largest of the Orkney Islands. The underlying geology is Rousay type Middle Old Red Sandstone, the flagstones of which make excellent building materials. There is very little peat and the soil is noted for its fertility. The island's main industries are fishing, fish farming and cattle farming. Tourism is also important to the island economy. The Westray Development Trust is well-known for its renewable energy and recycling initiatives and plans to make the island self-sufficient in energy by 2012. The spectacular sea cliffs around Noup Head are home to thousands of seabirds including 60,000 Common Guillemot and Black-legged Kittiwake, 30,000 Razorbill and numerous Atlantic Puffin and Black Guillemot. View the Westray Webcam

9 °C

Clouds, overcast clouds

Wind15.68 m/s
Cloudiness100 %
Temperature (min/max)9/9 °C
Pressure1010 hpa
Humidity91 %
Last update: 04 Mar 2025 @ 06:46

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