This college town is home to Humboldt State University.
Arcata is notably progressive in its political makeup, and was the first city in the United States to elect a majority of its city council members from the Green Party, however it is currently made up of a Democratic majority. As a result of the progressive majority, Arcata capped the number of chain restaurants allowed in the city.
Arcata was the first city in the nation to pass a resolution in the spirit of nullifying the USA PATRIOT Act in the city. The legality of the resolution has not yet been tested. Arcata was also the first municipality to ban the growth of any type of Genetically Modified Organism within city limits, with exceptions for research and educational purposes.
Arcata's climate is dominated by marine influences associated with Humboldt Bay and the Pacific Ocean. On average, Arcata experiences 40 - 50 inches of rain per year, mostly falling between October and April. Northerly winds keep the springs feeling very cold, and create a coastal upwelling of deep, cold ocean water.