Two Harbors

Two Harbors, colloquially known as "The Isthmus", is a small unincorporated island village on Santa Catalina Island, California with a population of 298 (Census of 2000). It is the second center of population on the island, besides the city of Avalon. Two Harbors is a small island village located approximately 37 km (23 miles) from San Pedro Harbor on Santa Catalina Island. On the Island's narrow isthmus, it is located about 16 km (10 miles) from the only city in the Island, Avalon.

It is named for the two harbors separated by the 770 m section of land separating the leeward (northern) Isthmus Cove (aka Banning Harbor) and Catalina (or Cat) Harbor on the windward (southern) side, which together almost cut off the northwestern sixth (31.7 km²) from the main part of the island. 1.4 km northeast of Banning Harbor and 470 m northwest of the closest coastal point is Bird Rock, which is only 6312 m² in size. It is mainly a resort village. It has only one restaurant, one hotel, and one general store. The village has about 150 permanent residents that live on the isthmus year-round. One notable feature is the little one-room schoolhouse where those who live on the isthmus can go to school without having to drive one hour.

15 °C

Clear, clear sky

Wind7.2 m/s
Cloudiness0 %
Temperature (min/max)15/15 °C
Pressure1025 hpa
Humidity44 %
Last update: 21 Jan 2025 @ 06:13

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