Apalachicola is the county seat of Franklin County.
"Apalachicola" comes from the Apalachicola tribe and is a combination of Hitchiti Indian words "apalahchi," meaning "on the other side," and "okli," meaning "people". In original reference to the settlement, it probably meant "people on the other side of the river." Many inhabitants of Apalachicola, however, choose to translate the name of their town as "land of the friendly people."
Travel to Apalachicola continues to increase as tourists seek experiences of "Old Florida," as many describe the feel of smaller coastal communities in the state. Southern Living published a feature article 'Florida's Quiet Side' in February 2007. Wanda McKinney writes:
"Morning comes gently to Apalachicola. Oyster boats and shrimp boats begin their daily pilgrimages into the seafood-rich bay as the sun rises on the Northwest Florida coast. The lights twinkle on in this fishing village, its residents ready for another day in unspoiled paradise. If you ever wondered if such a place still exists, yes, old Florida lives here. A lone blinking yellow light directs the downtown traffic. Come and stay awhile in this wonderful, walkable, watery hamlet. Try the pace on for size."