Why emotional connection matters in experiential marketing?

Sat, May 23rd 2015, 13:26

When people ask about your employment and you give the name of a company they haven’t heard or known about, there is one logical reason behind that.

When people ask about your employment and you give the name of a company they haven’t heard or known about, there is one logical reason behind that. Your company has failed to create a widespread emotional connection with the people. In today’s generation, marketing is not seen as just a tool to promote one’s product/service. Rather, it is an opportunity that helps brands create a social and emotional connection with the public. The stronger the connection, the better will be the sales. Any product that you find in the market that sells more is because the brand has a good connection with the individual, group, or family.

The concept in experiential marketing is exactly that –emotional connection. For instance, one way of defining this marketing is “Designing and developing programs that allow people to physically experience the product and to a build deeper emotional connection with the brand. The definition will give anyone with a general idea about the process of engagement marketing and how it works. Another definition can be, “an approach using which brands are brought to life via face-to-face experience”. Though simple and short, the second definition explains the overall concept in a much improved manner than the first one.

Giving people the opportunity to taste or try the sample food or beverages helps them in knowing why they must shift to some other product. However, the intention behind the demonstration is to build a connection with the audience. The whole event is designed in a fashion that it involves as much crowd involvement as possible. The moment they get the product or the brand and what it is all about, the bond is made.

The reason a promotional agency focuses on deep emotional connections between people and brand is because that helps in building loyalty. And, the loyalty is not only from the consumer’s end. The brand too has to try all sorts of ways to keep their clientele happy and satisfied throughout.  Every program is aimed at entertaining the crowd and creating a deep emotional contact with the people attending it. Promo models and brand ambassadors generally make that possible. This also helps in ‘word of mouth’ advertisement that is sometimes considered to be the best form of promotion.

The key to building a strong emotional connection is by focusing on more than just the brand. This is because, once you achieve or make the connection, not much will be required to convince the attendants. They will listen to what you are saying, patiently witness the demonstration, and finally make up their minds with an appreciation towards the product.

Connections are rewarding. Work in a way so that your brand drives deep emotional connections. Go for an experiential marketing agency that can help you in the process. A creative team can help you in designing the best shows that will help in creating a bond between the brand and the audience. Search on the internet to find some reputed and reliable agencies. Make sure that you are hiring the best people for your brand because you do not get more chances to build a strong emotional connection.

Written By brandwarrior

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