At Restaurant Baan Thai in Backnang enjoy a grill with friends at your own table, or indulge a fondue hot pot, tasty and fun for all with a blend of awesome Thai flavours.READ MORE
Specialising in German cuisine the Backnanger Stuben Restaurant und Felsenkeller in Backnang offers an extensive menu with fish and meat and a special vegetarian menu. READ MORE
The Gasthof zur Eintracht in Backnang offers house specialities including roasts, steaks and while enjoying your delectable meal sip on a good wine or beer or something non alcoholic if you prefer.READ MORE
Friendly staff await at the modern, pleasasnt Hotel Gerberhof in Backnang. There are 42 comfortable single and double rooms are at your disposal, and a hearty breakfast to look forward to. READ MORE
After re-opening in June 2003 the Hotel Bitzer in Backnang presents itself in a new light. Offering double and single rooms guests can enjoybreakfast in the winter garden.READ MORE